• Art to Imagine a Better Future

    A few of us are launching the Art to Imagine a Better Future project in January, which invites people to produce stories and artwork showing what it would look like in 10 years if all that could be done to solve the climate and nature crisis had been ...

  • Dirty Water – blue plaques

    XR Worcester joined a UK-wide day of action unveiling blue plaques in Worcester, along with other Worcestershire XR groups, to highlight the impact on the River Severn of our local MPs’ voting record on the discharge of raw sewage. In Worcester, the plaque reads: “Worcester MP Robin Walker voted to ...

  • Rebellion of One

    The three activists joined more than 200 others across the UK, on Saturday 24th April, to block traffic and draw attention to lack of government action on the climate and ecological emergency. Protesters blocked City Walls Road and The Cross in Worcester while a third blocked a main road in ...

  • Bromsgrove bee action

    Extinction rebellion supporters swarmed Bromsgrove High Street on Saturday April 24th to call on Worcestershire County Council to declare a climate emergency. Many of the activists dressed as bees to highlight the environmental threat to the species and our heavy reliance on them to provide food and pollinate plants. Two ...

  • Climate Crime Scene

    Extinction Rebellion Worcestershire performed a “climate crime scene” as street theatre in the centre of Worcester on Saturday 17th April, to highlight that Worcestershire County Council is putting future generations at risk due to their lack of action on the Climate and Ecological Emergency. The “crime scene” featured a faceless ...

  • The Deep Water project

    The next meeting is Wed 6th Jan 7:00pm  – Click HERE to REGISTER Beyond our own plans for flooding actions in Worcestershire, there is a Midlands-wide project being developed by XR’s Midlands Outreach and Local Group Development team. Called ‘Deep Water’ it aims to coordinate flooding-related actions across the Midlands Region ...

  • Act Now Worcestershire County Council

    Saturday September 26th saw a fantastic turnout of socially distanced groups of six parading through Worcester City Centre. We had three groups of Faceless Bureaucrats, a forthright group of bees, cyclists, dinosaurs and our spectacular Rainbow Guardians. At noon we had a die in at Cathedral Plaza with around 50 ...

  • Worcestershire Banner Action

    The Worcestershire XR groups organised an extremely impactful set of actions on Friday September 25th and Saturday September 26th. It was tremendous to have all local groups working together to focus our demands on the County Council. Friday saw huge banners displayed on four bridges surrounding Worcester, with the message “County ...