Dancing through Worcester

‘BEES’ and ‘flowers’ danced throughout Worcester city centre on Saturday before being sprayed with ‘insecticide’.

We took to the city centre to surprise shoppers with a performance piece with a serious message.

We dressed as bees and flowers and happily danced around Cathedral Square and High Street before being sprayed with a huge can of fake insecticide.

Bees and other insects are dying at a shocking rate and we’re basically saying if we have no insects, we have no food. The serious message from today is that we have lost 60 per cent of our flying insects in the past 20 years. This is because of pesticides and other chemicals, harmful ways of farming, loss of natural land and climate change.

We also gave away handmade gifts as well as ‘seed bombs’ to make it easy to plant wildflowers, as well as information on how to make a difference.

There are lots of actions people can take: You can join an organisation that is working to stop this nature crisis, such as Worcestershire Wildlife Trust, Greenpeace or the RSPB. The nature groups have come together with a plan called ‘Nature 2030’ that demands political parties make a manifesto commitment to their five-point plan for nature in time for the next general election.

We call on the government to help protect nature in the UK. Much of our soil is unhealthy and getting worse for growing crops. We need to bring life back to our soil by looking after the small creatures that make it healthy.

We also need a thriving natural world for our mental health and wellbeing. People need access to nature from wherever they live. And in the end, we all love bees.