Save the Wye Hereford
July 25, 2022

Over 150 XR supporters arrived in Hereford on Monday 25th July and along with other environmental groups held a protest to highlight how Intensive Poultry Units are killing the river Wye.
While some rebels shutdown the soya Feed Mill, the rest made their way to the chicken factory in town where there was a beautiful XR Rhythms led noisy protest. We were joined by citizen science and pressure groups from up and down the Wye who have worked tirelessly for several years to raise the profile of the plight of the Wye. The march in Hereford progressed into the town centre, via a stop at Tesco who sell the chickens from the Intensive Poultry Units, where rebels talked to locals, and wound-up with some regen time outside the cathedral (thanks to the Cathedral for letting us use their bandstand).